We have been working with the health department and have come up with these policies to safely reopen the studios and we will continue to be in contact with them. If things change we will keep you informed.
Please take into consideration your family's health concerns before making your decision to come back to class.
Please keep your dancer home if they or anyone in the family has been sick or shows signs of fever or illness or has been in contact with anyone who shows signs of illness.
If you or your dancer have been in contact with anyone that has tested postive for COVID-19 please keep them home for at least 14 days and they are symptom free.
We will be taking everyone's temperature at the door and if they have symptoms of a fever they will be asked to go home.
There will be no one allowed in the lobby or dressing rooms unless you are a dancer for the next class. People dropping off and picking up should please wait in the car or if your dancer is young wait outside by the entrance door and please social distance. For the very young Ballet students, you may come in and drop them off but then please wait in the car until class is over.
There will be X's on the floor in the lobby and in the dressing room. Please, when you first come in, find one of those X,s and that will be your spot for the rest of the night.
While waiting for class to begin and in between classes we will ask that you wear a mask. After careful consideration, we are going to require face masks while dancing. We require mask wearing on the floor, but we also know that it is difficult to breathe while dancing with a mask on. We will work with each dancer to provide breaks/relief from the masks while dancing and what is best for them. That being said, we will be very diligent with mask wearing and social distancing at Studio M and at our performances.
Each class will be 5 minutes shorter than usual. This is so we can wipe everything down in between classes. If a dancer is in multiple classes, we ask that they go out in the lobby and wait by their X until we have wiped everything down and are ready for class to begin.
There will also be large X's on the dance floor. We ask that as soon as you come into class that you find an X and that will be your spot for the rest of the class.
The water will not be available so please send your dancers with plenty of water to last for how long they will be there. According to the guidelines given to us there is no eating in the studio.
Please come to class dressed and ready to dance except for shoes. Please wear your street shoes outside and then once in the studio change shoes. The less changing and things that need to be brought into the studio the better.
We will have plenty of hand sanitizer available but if you have your own please bring some extra with you just in case.
We will do a deep cleaning every night after all students have left. Common areas such as door knobs and other areas will be wiped down frequently. The restroom will be cleaned after each use, so please request to use the restroom.
We will have Zoom available for each class if you decide that sending your dancer to class right now in not a good choice for your family and they still want to be in class with everyone. If this is the case please let us know at least a day ahead of time so we can set the meetings up and get the invite emailed to you.
We want you to know that our dancers and their family's safety comes first. We hope these policies are beneficial for you and your dancer if they are not we will understand and hopefully we will see you when you feel it is right for your family.
In the end we only want to do what we think is best and safe and we also want you to do the same. So whatever your family decides, is the right choice!!!

Open House: Usually occurs the last weekend in August. Dancers may register, tour our facilities; meet the instructors.(Visitors, guests are welcome at all times to tour / meet our teachers. Please call ahead.)
Register: by mail, phone, email or in person at Studio M. (office hours vary so please call ahead if in person) Payment (full or partial) is required at registration. We accept cash or checks and we accept credit cards (with a 5% service fee). (Returned checks have a $20.00 charge) No Refunds (limited exceptions) A Studio M registration form (regular or temporary) needs to be filled out and signed by the dancer's guardian (if applicable) before participation begins.
Classes start: The Monday after Labor Day.
Tuition Dance Year
Classes: Are billed by individual class. Classes are held once a week for a specified length. (30 min., 45 min., 60 min.) Tuition is determined by adding individual class tuitions together. We also offer an unlimited class tuition (per dancer). Dancin' is billed as a membership. We also have Dance cards and Pilates cards billed per class vs. dance year. Note: cards are not meant to replace class tuition. We have a Non-refundable: Registration Fee: late/ new/ non-continuing students - $15.00.
Payments: Tuition payments are accepted throughout the dance year for any amount, but must be paid in full by the time of the recital (May 31).
Costume Deposits: Costume deposits are due November 30th and are past due December 23rd in which a $10.00 late fee will be assessed to the deposit. Costume Deposits are non-refundable or possible credit given with a $10.00 cancellation fee.
Recital Tee Shirts: Dancers choosing to be in the Finale' dance will need to purchase a recital tee shirt to be used as the costume for that dance. The Recital Tee order and payment is due April 30th. A later order may be available, but single tee shirt rates will apply.
Scholarships: 2 cleaning scholarships are available. Conditions apply. Please contact office if interested.
Dance Year: Studio M begins its dance year the Monday after Labor Day & ends with its recital on the weekend before Father’s Day.
Summer Session: Studio M begins its summer session two weeks after the recital and ends two weeks before Labor Day. We also provide a summer intensive week usually held the week after of the summer session but may vary.
Studio Policies
Health: Please inform us of all medical conditions at registration or as they occur during the year. Dancers should bring water bottles to class as water breaks are given. Proper Personal Hygiene is absolutely required.
Injuries: Studio M is not responsible for injuries occurring while on or near premises/during practices or performances.
Severe Weather: We email and text Studio closures due to bad weather. So please make sure current email and text options are on record with us. We will also try and post the notice on the entrance door and Studio windows so if you happen to come to the studio on a closure, you can see the notice before exiting your vehicle. We usually go with the decisions made by the Monroe School District and the Pecatonica School District. If they are closed or have called an early dismissal due to weather, we are closed also. If in doubt please call or text our cell 608-558-1299.
Missed Classes: Make-up classes can be taken throughout the year, please inform the instructor or Studio when you would like to take them. Because of our liberal make-up policy, & built in extra classes for missed classes; refunds for missed classes are not given unless there are unusual circumstances which are at the Studio’s discretion. We do not keep track of make-up classes. We allow you to keep track of them.
Audit Classes: We offer an audit system at Studio M. It is for new dancers who are unsure about what kind of classes they would like to take and for unsure dancers who are looking for a change. Dancers can take classes of their choice at their level for a couple of weeks to decide if they would like to take them. New dancers need to register and pay the $15.00 registration fee. Then they can try out the classes.If they decide to take the classes, they can sign up for the classes and we start tuition for them. If they decide not to take the classes nothing more is owed. We want dancers to enjoy and be happy in our classes and we hope this ensures that.
Breaks: We will take Holiday breaks with the Monroe School and or Pecatonica School System. A calendar will be available as needed.
Year-End Student Recital: All dancers are invited to participate in the recital. It is tentatively scheduled for the weekend before Father’s Day. All students participating in the recital must attend the dress rehearsal held the Friday before the recital and both the Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon performances. Some exceptions will be made but they are rare and must be okayed by the Studio well in advance so that accommodations can be made. Videos will be available for purchase. Videotaping is allowed but must not be a disturbance to the recital or audience. There is no flash photography.
Costumes: Deposits due Nov. 30. This is to insure timely delivery & discount from costume company. No refund on deposits. Balances are due when costumes come in. Once costumes are ordered, the balance is due even if dancer cannot perform. Students own recital class costumes. Studio Costumes or parts of will have rental charge.
Food: Allowed in studio lobby areas only or fees apply.
Non Dancers: Children other than dancers are welcome to the Studio, however they need to be supervised or child care fees apply.
Dress Code: All students will be expected to wear appropriate attire to class, this includes clothing, shoes, and hair.
Ballet, Pointe: leotard, tights, ballet skirt or tight shorts (optional), ballet/pointe shoes, hair secured off face in a bun (shorter hair secured back off face in best way).
Jazz: jazz pant or shorts and leotard or tight fitting top, tights, jazz shoe, hair secured back off face.
Tap: leotard, tights, jazz pant or shorts and top preferred; will accept most comfortable clothing, tap shoes and hair secured off the face.
Modern: leotard, tights, and shorts (optional), tan Jazz boot, hair secured back off face.
Lyrical: leotard, tights, and shorts (optional), tan Jazz boot, hair secured back off face.
Hip Hop: tights, comfortable clothes, tights, tight top, acceptable hip hop shoes, (currently they are Hip Hop sneakers), hair secured back off face.
Musical Theatre: leotard, tights, shorts (optional), character shoes, hair secured back off face.
Company: To be determined by Studio.
All other dance classes please check with instructor for proper attire and hair. All clothing and shoes can be purchased through Studio M. If purchasing from other source, please check with instructor for proper clothing and shoes. All skirts must be ballet skirts. No jeans of any sort or hooded clothes are allowed on the dance floor. Dress will be leotard and tights if attire becomes an issue in class.
Class Behavior: Dancers are expected to maintain positive and productive attitudes in classes, rehearsals and performances in both the Academy and Dancin’ Company. We expect the dancers to respect each other as well as their teacher. Talking out of turn, use of illegal substances and causing disturbances in class is not acceptable; dancers may be asked to leave at their own expense. Dancers are encouraged to arrive early to prepare themselves with hair and dress so class can start on time. Dancers are expected to dance the entire class time.
Observers: Classes are closed to observers. It is very distracting to have observers in the classroom. We need all of the attention focused on class.
Payments and Payment Schedule: Tuition can be paid yearly, semester, trimester, quarterly or monthly. Tuition is based on a dance year/summer session schedule, but can be changed to accommodate class changes or late registration. Tuition of Dancin' Company does not change. It is the same tuition regardless of when the dancer chooses to join. Tuition must be paid in full by the time of the recital or agreement with the office. Outstanding balances may prevent dancer from participating in the recital or costume purchase. Let the office know which payment schedule is best for you. When making payments, please mail it in or use the envelopes in the front of the office on the message shelf. Place the payment in envelope with explanation and dancer's name and place it in the payment box behind the desk. This will help minimize confusion between classes. Or please give to office staff or teacher before class.
Communication: Notes, messages, tuition balances, and other invoices are usually conveyed through email or text or through notes given to dancers. Please call, text, email with questions/concerns or leave notes with office/teacher.
Conversations with the teacher: Brief, between class so class begins/ends on time. Do not disturb class in session.
Parking: In front of building and in west parking lot.
Lost and Found: Located in dressing room, check often. Left items (after year-end) donated to St. Vincent De Paul.
Rules of the Dance Floor
NO shoes on the dance floor. That means no shoes past the door, which includes the hard wood floor. If dirt from people's shoes get on the floor anywhere it works it’s way to the middle and can be very dangerous for the dancers. So please NO shoes past the door dividing the floor from the lobby.
There is no one allowed on the dance floor to watch. That includes parents, siblings, friends, etc. The reason for this is children are easily distracted and if someone is in the room watching it is hard for the teacher to get their attention. We need all of their attention focused on class and when people are in the room other then dancers or the teacher they tend to get distracted. Also it is so that the younger dancers learn to be with us and come recital time it won’t be as hard for them to leave their parents and dance on stage. All of this is to benefit the dancers.
The only exception to the watching rule is if someone is interested in taking a class and would like to watch that class to see if it would work for them.
No gum is allowed on the dance floor. No food is allowed on the dance floor. Please leave stuffed animals, dolls, crowns, big necklaces or anything else that might distract you at home.
For every class you must have tights on, no jeans of any kind, and no hoods of any kind.
Dancers are social people by nature so our number one rule is you may talk when it is appropriate, but when the teacher is talking there is no talking from any one else.